Some Diaplan reference numbers 512834 Diaplan Stand 512584 Turret 1x 512841 Turret 0.8x 514686 Lamp house 103 12V/100W 513693 Universal Condenser UKO - achro 0.90 S1.1 513595 Turret for Phase Contrast rings 513698 Phase contrast ring 1 S1.1 513699 Phase contrast ring 2 S1.1 513700 Phase contrast ring 3 S1.1 513701 Phase contrast ring 4 S1.1 513702 Dark Field ring (dry) 512815 Trinocular FSA/20 512818 Trinocular FSA-GW-R 1.25x 519813 Couple of oculars Periplan GF 10x/20M (high-point) 519877 Couple of oculars Periplan GF 12.5x/20M (high-point) 519888 Couple of oculars Periplan GW 8x/28M (high-point) 519893 Couple of oculars Periplan GW 10x/26M (high-point) 514093 Blue filter CB12 diam. 50 mm 542131 Green filter diam.50 mm 513106 Object micrometer 2mm / 200 divisions 518017 PL 1.6/0.05 Objective 519495 PL 2.5/0.08 519690 PL APO 4/0.14 519898 PL APO 6.3/0.20 519518 PL APO 25/0.65 519896 PL APO 25/0.70 519833 PL APO 40/0.75 519807 PL APO 100/1.32 Oil 519450 PL APO 40/1.00 Oil